Thursday, May 2, 2024

Defining Growth Design: The Guide to the Role Most Startups are Missing

growth design

And on behalf of our employees and our Board of Directors, we thank our customers, partners and investors for their continued trust and confidence in Cadence. And then Anirudh lots of new accelerated compute AI SoC announcements just even over the past few weeks where we saw flagship Blackwell GPU announcement by one of your big customers NVIDIA. Well, the guide -- we've de-risk the guide on the assumption that many customers might wait. But to the extent the customers wait, it will shift some hardware revenue into the second half of the year.

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If we automatically named your board, it took something out of the process and made it less sticky. But still, as a designer, you need to reduce the cognitive load it takes to create something,” says Steger. To conduct user research, you can use a variety of methods, including surveys, interviews, and user testing.

Start with data and know your hypothesis.

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Inspired by NASA Challenge, CSUN Team Works To Design Innovative Food-Growth System.

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But in general, it will be more Q3 and then Q4 in terms of -- because normally, in any system, there is like a three months to six months kind of overlap. So we will still sell Z2 X2, and then move to Z3 X3, so that's a natural part. And that's also contributing to this quarter-by-quarter variation a little bit, but it will ramp. And Q3 will be bigger and then Q4 should be bigger than that. But we already have them running at several early customers. So I mean, normally when we announce something, as you know, like and one of our lead partners, they have been running for three months already and very stable.


So you just brought up how the [hardware] (ph) platforms, the Velocity there has improved from first generation to next six years. Now we're down to a three-year new product cycle. When I listened to your customers last week talk about AI, they're not just generating ML models that can be reused, but then, of course, each run becomes better if you're incorporating prior feedback.

growth design

🧠 Learning & Value

So it is leading to deployment of our AI portfolio. And I think we mentioned like the AI run rate on a trailing 12 months basis is up 3x. And I think design process already was well automated. EDA has a history of automating design over the last 30 years.

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You’re at one of my dinner parties for the first time. I open the door, say hi, take your coat, and then I ask, “How are you liking the party so far? Growth designers strive to create conversations so all product interactions, modals, and messages are relevant to where they are and what they need in the moment. Growth design is all about learning, so significant wins and significant losses mean you’ve done your job well. Failures define the bookends and boundaries of our product experience—customers may say they desire one thing, but their actions can expose other needs and goals.

And we expect to use at least 50% of our annual free cash flow to repurchase Cadence shares. GAAP operating margin was 24.8% and non-GAAP operating margin was 37.8%. Next, turning to the balance sheet and cash flow, cash balance at quarter end was [$1.012 billion] (ph).

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So I think that's where we have to see, but some initial results, which we haven't talked but I think mentioned last week. That means not just hyperscalers, but perhaps in AI PCs and beyond. With that in mind, for Q2 we expect revenue in the range of $1,030 million to $1,050 million.

Fail forward to learning better: 90% of assumptions are wrong.

So we talked about Samsung, working with us, especially on this four state emulation, which is a new capability in emulation over the last 10 years. I think the size of these chips as you know is only going to get bigger in the next few years and we feel that Z3 X3 is already set up for that. Those are like a little, they take a little longer to ramp up, but we have these three kinds of impact of AI.

In job descriptions, this is often listed as Product Designer (Growth), Growth Product Designer, or Growth Designer. Before hiring a growth designer, consider the biggest opportunities your product has and how critical it is that you get growth right. The level and type of opportunity will determine who you need on your team. Just ask Atlassian, Dropbox, Spotify, Pinterest, and hundreds of other companies currently hiring growth designers. As new products or features keep popping up, it's really challenging to make sure everything's aligned across tools. One way to do this is to ensure that everything has an owner.

But the recurring revenue right now in the guide is about double digits -- above 10%. So I think, you will see that in the next few quarters and years that verification will be as important as implementation in terms of benefits of AI. And then the other area I’d like to highlight is PCB and Allegro and Packaging because that area hasn't seen that much automation. And PCB – and Allegro is a leading-platform for packaging and PCB, but really proud of Allegro X AI. And we talked about several customers, including Intel last week talked about 4x to 10x improvement using X AI in PCB. Yeah, 1 thing, I want to highlight, I think you may have seen this, I just want to highlight our partnership with Intel and IFS.

In this article, we’ll take a comprehensive look at growth design and explore how you can leverage it to build products that scale. At Cadence, we focus on innovation and growing with organically driven products and then with small tuck-in M&A. But to the extent that we do some larger M&A and of course, we have BETA CAE, which apparently is the gold standard in structural simulation. But -- now I think the size of that probably still qualifies as a small tuck-in.

Rather than sift through your site to decipher next steps, people will leave. If your goal is to grow your audience, then shouldn’t those people actually enjoy using your website? It might seem like an obvious question, but it’s the most important factor.

growth design

Dr. Bergfeld says both may be useful when you’re looking to grow your locks. At any time, about 80% of your hair is actively growing. The remaining strands are in either a resting state or preparing to die and fall out. Meanwhile, design has been an afterthought in the growth discussion. It's important to call out that growth UX is not practiced alone. To achieve growth, you need a cross-functional team of some kind, of which UX is a piece.

You've had Rambus bought, you've now acquired BETA in the computer-aided emulation space for the car. There's been quite a lot of speculation in the market about the possibility of a transformative deal being done. I guess, given that we have you on the mic here, maybe if you get a sense from yourself, what would be the sort of thing that a business like Cadence could look for? Could that be the sort of ambition that Cadence would have given the silicon to systems opportunities that are emerging? So that gives a lot of runway for our customers because with AI, the key thing is that is the capacity of the chip needs to keep going up, not just a single chip.

While the versatility of the growth designer is certainly a strength for startups looking to move quickly, this multi-purpose nature of this role can make it tough to decide where they should sit. In Steger’s eyes, a growth designer gets the best of both worlds, drawing on the strengths of the two disciplines that contribute to the role’s name. First of all in non-recurring, it's not just hardware, but it's also IP in terms of the second half because like we mentioned, we have new IP business driven by HPM and AI and also by Intel IFS. So that is also back-end loaded along with hardware. And then hardware, hardware normally when we launch a new system, it takes one years or two years for it to fully. So even though we are not commenting about next year, I would be surprised if this time, it's only a six month impact.

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